Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Workbench Discovered

In typical form, I came across the Salesforce Workbench today while looking for the answer to something completely unrelated.  I was reading a cookbook article on developing a mobile app on the relatively new mobile SDK and saw a reference to this Workbench.  It looks like a lot of familiar capabilities like SOQL/SOSL search, object descriptions, etc.., wrapped up in a clean UI.  One capability struck me right away, that almost every sys admin will want to be aware of, is the ability to SET a user's password.  To the best of my knowledge, there was no other way to SET another user's password.  I'm sure most sys admins out there will appreciate this capability.  Check out the rest of the workbench here:


Friday, May 4, 2012

In the voice of Dr. Evil, "1 Billion records per hour!"

On a Friday night, we did a deployment that involved a data update into Salesforce.  Whilst using the Apex Data Loader utility, I achieved a unprecedented 1 billion records per hour rate from Salesforce!  This is over 300,000 records per second!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Indexing Delay?

A business user recently showed me that if she created a contact in Salesforce and then searched for that contact, that the contact would not be found.  It was so strange to see this that I opened a case with Salesforce support.  Support recently replied and said that this was expected behavior and that newly created records may not be searchable for up to 30 minutes while indexing is processing!  30 minutes!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Outlook Macro

We use a 3rd party product to integrate Salesforce.com with Outlook.  The client that we use is a add-in for Outlook and for contact integration, it relies on the contact's MessageClass property's value to be "IPM.Contact".  We've seen various products change the MessageClass from IPM.Contact to something else, like IPM.Contact.olTrans (for card scanners).  Blackberry will also change the MessageClass in some cases.  As a result, our add-in is not able to synch certain contacts with Salesforce.com.  To get around this, I created a small macro based on some sources I've seen online to flip the MessageClass and exposed the macro as a button within the Contact ribbon in Outlook 2010.  Below is the source code to change the MessageClass:

Sub Convert2Native()

Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objNS As NameSpace
Dim objSelection As Outlook.Selection
Dim objItem As ContactItem
Dim debugMode As String
Dim VarFileName As String

Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNS = objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objSelection = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection

debugMode = "no"

'setup logging
VarFileName = "C:\OutlookConvert2NativeLog" & "_" & Year(Now) & "_" & Month(Now) & "_" & Day(Now) & "_" & Hour(Now) & Minute(Now) & Second(Now) & ".txt"
Open VarFileName For Append As #2
Print #2, "Opening logging"
Print #2, "debugMode = " & debugMode
MsgBox "Converting " & objSelection.Count
Print #2, "Converting " & objSelection.Count

If debugMode = "yes" Then
    For Each objItem In objSelection
        If objItem.MessageClass = "IPM.Contact" Then
            Print #2, "Converted Contact " & objItem.LastName & " from MessageClass " & objItem.MessageClass
            objItem.MessageClass = "IPM.Contact.olTrans"
            Print #2, "Did not convert Contact " & objItem.LastName & " from MessageClass " & objItem.MessageClass
        End If
    For Each objItem In objSelection
        If objItem.MessageClass <> "IPM.Contact" And objItem.MessageClass <> "IPM.Contact.SD.Contact" And objItem.MessageClass <> "IPM.Contact.SD.Contact.Private" Then
            Print #2, "Converted Contact " & objItem.LastName & " from MessageClass " & objItem.MessageClass
            objItem.MessageClass = "IPM.Contact"
            Print #2, "Did not convert Contact " & objItem.LastName & " from MessageClass " & objItem.MessageClass
        End If
End If

Close #2

End Sub
Sources (thank you!):


Monday, January 9, 2012

Spring 2012

I was thumbing through the Spring 2012 release and for the first time since Chatter was released, I was impressed with the haul of changes.

Here are some highlights coming in early February to a Salesforce instance near you:

Salesforce for Outlook

  • We use a Outlook plug-in that synchronizes Salesforce contacts, events, etc with Salesforce but it is neither Salesforce for Outlook nor Connect for Outlook.  The primary driver for going with a 3rd party's solution was the inability of Salesforce for Outlook users to discriminate between private and public Contacts and tasks/meetings.  Salesforce has finally addressed this shortcoming, over 2 years since the Salesforce for Outlook plug in was released.


  • We'll have to see exactly how this works and the limitations around it but one of the potentially more significant changes coming in Spring 12 is the cross-object workflow.  Hopefully, we can avoid the need to write triggers for basic field updates.  Again, this is one that has been in the pipeline for years and glad to see Salesforce finally address it.


  • It's hilarious to me that Salesforce no longer calls these "reports" but rather has latched onto the buzz around "Analytics".  Whatever it is, they've improved the service markedly.  The most notable improvements to me are the following:
    • You can now run an exception report like "Account without Opportunities".  To do this previously, you almost certainly had to export the results of two different reports into Access, Excel, or SQL Server.  You'll see this tagged in the documentation under "Cross Filters".
    •  The other significant improvement should now allow us to create reports like Opportunities with Activities and Contacts.  Previously, you could have Parent -> Child -> Grandchild, but not Parent -> Child -> Sibling.  Again, we'll see how this actually looks soon, but this is potentially a big improvement.


  • A couple notable changes for developers to keep an eye on:
    • The number of schedule Apex jobs has been increased from 10 to 25.
    • Test methods can no longer use existing customer data (with the exception of user/profile and record type).  This means all test methods will now need to create new data.  It looks like they've created an exception but for those of us w/ existing non-compliant code, we'll have to do some retrofitting with the "SeeAllData" property.